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Joint statement calling for emergency measures during the new crown epidemic

Apr 16, 2020

The European construction industry issued a joint statement calling for urgent measures to protect the health of workers, support economic activities and help the industry recover after the new pandemic.


The statement was drafted by 15 institutions including the European Federation of Construction Industries (FIEC), the European Commission for Construction Equipment (CECE), and the Continental Demolition and Leasing Association. The above agencies also called on the European Commission to "relevant to the interests of the industry" as circumstances permit Start a conversation.


The specific short-term measures required of European member states are as follows:


· Develop tailor-made health and safety measures, programs and guidelines with the active participation of relevant stakeholders.


· Take measures to support the construction supply chain and enable the effective operation of the EU internal market.


·Implement large-scale support and stimulus plans.


·Reduce the administrative burden and the conditions for employers to implement temporary unemployment measures.


The statement added: "A good construction supply chain is essential to maintain industry operations under appropriate health and safety conditions. Therefore, the instructions of public health authorities must be fully followed to ensure the circulation of construction equipment and services.


"In this case, we call on the government authorities to consider the degree of damage to our industry and prevent a predictable economic recession from becoming a historic disaster with far-reaching social impact."



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